Monday, February 1, 2010

Personal Tech

Growing up, my house was full of technology. We were an early AOL user, and I don't even remember not having a computer in the house. However, despite this fact, I never really came to view technology as something that was a big part of my life. I understood the value of the internet and the information it had, but I never really thought I'd do anything with computers or technology.

When I got to college, much of that changed. I got my first real personal computer, a Dell laptop, and I was able to do with it whatever I wanted. Being in an environment that is so tech-friendly, I soon realized how much technology had to offer. I got an iPod. I played around with C++ and web design. I joined the 21st century.

Most recently, I've really felt the impacts of technology in my life. Having gotten married last June, my wife and I went through the process of moving into a new place, consolidating our possessions and upgrading what we wanted to upgrade. As a result, we joined the Mac universe and I bought an iPhone. Put that together with an AirPort Express unit, and we have a wireless household. I can use my netbook (another new acquisition) in the living room to play iTunes through speakers in another room or print wirelessly or share files. I even got a subscription to MacWorld.

The possibilities from such devices working hand in hand are infinite. Beyond just reaching the internet with a wireless connection, the possibilities of wireless include an entire household built upon wireless living. A TV connection through routing, watching movies stored online through Netflix, and even controlling most of my house's electronics through my iPhone are all current possibilities I've yet to tap into. But the potential is there.

My challenge for myself this year is to make our place more connected through routing. I'm tired of everything not working together. With my iMac, iPhone, netbook and speakers, I want to make entertainment options unlimited and unpredictable. After the initial cost of investing in those items, the operating cost is so minimal that it's silly that people don't do this more often.

Wireless entertainment is the way to go.

1 comment:

  1. OK... So you're going to host the class over for an evening of entertainment once you get this all set up right? :)
